Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Trials of Being a Woman Entrepreneur

Being a tech entrepreneur is tough work. For women, it may be even tougher writes Jennifer Walzer, founder and CEO of New York-based Backup My Info!, in an article in yesterday's New York Times titled "Nobody Ever Said It Would be Easy."

In starting up and running her company, Walzer has often been treated as if she were "a non-technical female with a nice smile, sent to butter [clients] up in the hopes of scoring a second meeting with a 'real' engineer,'" she writes. "I've had technical questions fired at me like bullets, with the expectation that I'd crack under pressure, but I always try to answer the questions calmly, coolly and knowledgeably, often to the surprise of those around the table.

"I'm biased toward tech. I think this industry is great and full of opportunities, so if you know of a woman heading to college with an interest in math, science and problem-solving, tell her to give tech a try.

"But let's face it, no matter your gender or what you are trying to do, you're going to face someone who writes you off without giving you a chance, thinks your idea is foolish, or doesn't have time to hear what you have to say. If you think you are strong enough to get up every day and try again and again to make it work, you just might be an entrepreneur."

Very sound advice for both men and women.

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